Sunday, August 28, 2011

Manipulation - the official card game of the Blue Fish Lodge

Hillary, Andrew & George
Two decks (or more, depending on number of players), deal 11 cards each, play until someone goes out. All piles played must be and remain (a) three or more of a kind (no duplicate suits), or (b) three or more straight in a suit. Move cards around on the board ('manipulate') as you please, to facilitate your play (making sure all piles are 'legal' when you're done). On each turn, you must play from what you have, or draw until you can play, playing one or more cards. First player out of cards wins.

Example of a manipulation: You have two Queens, spade and clubs. The player ahead of you added a Queen of diamonds to a diamond straight of 9-10-Jack. You take the Queen from the diamonds straight (leaving that pile legal, at 3 cards straight), and combine it with your Queens, forming a legal 3-of-a-kind pile, no duplicate suits.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

High-maintenance* windchimes

* because you have to change the dangle every season; this is summer's.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summerland Key

Sunset, August 9, 2011
Lobster pictures below the break.